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Vintage Fur Coats

All three jackets.

A few weeks ago I received an amazing gift from my husband's family - 3 vintage fur coats/jackets and 2 fur hats. I was over the moon excited about them. When his family offered them I was ecstatic at the chance to have some real fur options in my costume collection to use for future shows (when everything opens up again). At the moment I just have them in garment bags hanging in my office and the hats are in a hat box. We are in the process of redoing our garage and creating a better storage space for us, and once it's finished I will have the appropriate space for costume storage. Ideally I will have my own mini costume collection of basics and one of a kind pieces that I can use in shows. 

Each jacket is different and it's really exciting to have these new fur options in my closet. One is a long white fur coat with an extra slip of fur (I assume for alterations). The tan colored brown one is shorter than the white fur coat and the two hats match the coloring of the jacket. The short grey brown jacket has some very detailed buttons and a nice lining inside. all of the jackets and the two hats actually fit me, which is a huge surprise since most vintage clothing I've found runs small and I haven't had the best luck finding pieces in my size in good condition. I am in the process of figuring out what type of fur the pieces are made from, but recognizing furs isn't one of those things I'm super knowledgeable in so it will probably take me a little bit of time. Once I have it figured out I will post specific pieces on each jacket with more detailed images of each jacket and hat.

The two hats.


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