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New Show: "Farinelli & the King"

I am currently working as Costume Designer for Station Theatre's production of "Farinelli & The King." It's set in the early 18th century and based on real historical figures. I am totally in love with clothing from this time period and have been excited to do this show. 

There are 6 men and 1 woman, with two of the guys playing multiple characters. There are also a handful of extra people on stage that don't have speaking roles, as well as a pianist, that will need to be in costume. So far I've had fittings with the main actors and am waiting on the non speaking roles to be cast so then I can do measurements and costumes.

Because of my love of this era and the lack of rentals available, I will be making several historical garments for this show. I am breaking out my fabric stash though to help with my budget, and to be able to donate the completed pieces to a theater than has adequate storage capabilities. Station Theatre doesn't have  a set area for costume storage, so I would love the costumes I make to go to a wonderful home where they will be sized, organized, and stored properly for future use. I'm making good progress so far on the vests and will post on their progress!


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