I am currently the Costume Designer for the show "Trestle at Pope Lick Creek," directed by Saskia Bakker. It's at the Station Theatre in Urbana, IL.
The performance dates are:
Thursday, July 5–Sunday, July 7
Wednesday, July 10–Sunday, July 14
Wednesday, July 17–Saturday, July 20
It's a small cast of 5 and there are some small costume changes made on screen. It has been pretty fun to dig into the historical aspect of the 1930s as well as working with such a small cast size.
Pictured left is an image of my first pulls before fittings (ignore the zombie pinup girl dress on the mannequin).
I have already had my first round of fittings and only need to make a few minor alterations such as hems and adding some buttons for suspenders. At the moment I am only in need of some shoes. It's been quite the experience to not need to make any costumes from scratch. It's also kind of weird, I'm still getting used to the fact that I will not be making costumes for the show. I'll take some images of the costumes and post them with my mood boards later this week!
The performance dates are:
Thursday, July 5–Sunday, July 7
Wednesday, July 10–Sunday, July 14
Wednesday, July 17–Saturday, July 20
It's a small cast of 5 and there are some small costume changes made on screen. It has been pretty fun to dig into the historical aspect of the 1930s as well as working with such a small cast size.
Pictured left is an image of my first pulls before fittings (ignore the zombie pinup girl dress on the mannequin).
I have already had my first round of fittings and only need to make a few minor alterations such as hems and adding some buttons for suspenders. At the moment I am only in need of some shoes. It's been quite the experience to not need to make any costumes from scratch. It's also kind of weird, I'm still getting used to the fact that I will not be making costumes for the show. I'll take some images of the costumes and post them with my mood boards later this week!
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