One of the big things I have planned for 2019 is officially starting my own business. It will be small, insanely so in the beginning, but nonetheless I will be starting my LLC. It's something I've been wanting to do but have kept pushing it off because I was always thinking I'd move and relocate or the paperwork was too hard or just that I'm already too busy to start something new. With this plan in mind I did ask for a few business related gifts for Christmas - some small expenses that it'd be nice to have taken care of right away.
Luckily I got a few great gifts! I received some office desk supplies (organization supplies, new pens, folders, etc), a light box, and a fun letter board to help with social media stuff. I also got a printer, which is great because my old one broke so it is perfect! I am ready for the new year to start and for my business to be up and running! I have small goals for the first few years, nothing mind blowing, just to cover costs of materials and any business related expenses (such as the fees to start an LLC).

The reason for me blogging about this? Well once I officially start my business I will be adding a section to the blog titled Malotke Made that will be devoted to just items I am selling. There will be posts about the progress and inspiration behind the projects. It will be set up kind of similar to my Costume section. It'll be great to have more information behind the items I'm selling for those interested in buying them on the other platforms (for example Etsy).
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