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Architectural Inspiration: Falling Water

View from the Bridge.
For Christmas we went to see Falling Water in PA. It was amazing, even with it being freezing! When we got there we had time to check out the little pods at the beginning - a little museum area, a gift shop, and food area. Because we had driven so much that morning we elected to get coffee and hang out before the tour. Then it was our turn for the tour. We walked down to the starting point, a bridge, and met with our guide. Because it was winter a lot of the statues and artwork outside were covered. The picture to the right was taken while standing on the bridge. In the picture you can see the floating stairs and some of the terraces. I would love to come back in the spring or summer time and see the house in a completely different weather setting. You're not allowed to take pictures inside or from after the bridge, but they offer a lot on their website. I loved the tour, it was a great in depth look into the house and the history behind it.

View from the Point.
One of my big inspirations is architecture. Whether it comes from stained glass windows, arches in churches, winding marble staircases of the Palais Garnier, or the way the wood shelves wrap around the inside of the walls in Falling Water. Everything can be a source of inspiration and can lead to color choices, texture decisions for fabric, or just the way you chose to drape the clothing pieces.
After the tour we strolled down to the Point which is where all of the beautiful pictures are taken of Falling Water. As I said earlier, I would definitely love to come back in a warm season to see the flowers bloom and to see the house in a totally different way.

After this I've been craving working with wools, knits, browns, and clay reds. This may turn into a few very different projects than what I'm used to doing on a regular basis. I typically stick to cottons, plaids, and black and white combinations.


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