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Sewing a Blouse

The three Do Wop girls for Servant of Two Masters have very basic looks that consist of a white collared short sleeve blouse, colored bottoms (2 in skirts & 1 in capris), a multi colored mesh scarf, saddle shoes, white lace ankle socks, and a solid colored headband that doesn't match their bottoms. For example the girl in the orange skirt gets an aqua headband & the girl in the yellow skirt has a green headband. The Costume Parade was set for Wednesday night but come Tuesday the 3 shirt weren't finished yet. So my Tuesday evening was spent sewing this lovely top for one of the girls.

My serger was not cooperating, so the inside of it looks like a hot mess, but ti turned out pretty well. It's actually a bit too big for the actress. I will be adding 2 back darts so it has more of a fitted look for the actress. She tucks it in to her skirt so the length is fine.

Sometimes I do wish I had a better female mannequin because I use my menswear mannequin for everything and it would really help me out with pictures if I had a mannequin with boobs to fill out the shirt and make the darts look how they really look on a person. 

All in all not too shabby for sewing in an evening!


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