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Finally Pulling Costumes!

This past week I finally got to start pulling costume pieces! On Wednesday I sat down with the shop manager and the director to go over each character now that the show has its cast. Unfortunately the show doesn't have a hair/makeup person, but the director has hopes that one of the wardrobe crew can be trained to do wigs for this show in the short amount of time we have. 

After finalizing some of the ideas for the characters I was able to start pulling pieces. Almost everyone has been measured so I was able to get a decent amount pulled. After talking with the shop manager there are already a hand few of items that will need to be built because of the actors' size & the shop's stock. On one hand this is nerve wrecking because of the short turn around for the show, but one the other hand it's pretty exciting because I can actually build something for the show and show off what I know and that I'm more than just a designer. So I cleared off a rack, pulled up the measurements on my phone, and grabbed my binder full of ideas & lists. I started pulling pieces character by character. Then it just turned into "Okay these 4 people need long sleeve button down tops, let's just find those first." I did manage to nag a bunch but I couldn't stay as long as I would have liked. 

I'm planning on going back this week until it's all pulled. Hopefully the costume shop manager can start doing fittings this week with what I've pulled (since I work 8am-5pm she's doing a lot of the grunt work like fittings, sewing names into costumes, etc). I'm waiting on the crew's measurements because along with the actual cast I am also costuming the crew members that will be moving around on stage since we're setting the show as a 1950s TV studio that broadcasts live shows. It's pretty exciting, but also just adds a lot to my to do lists. 

When I pull more pieces I'll do little posts on characters that will include my inspiration, initial and final sketches, any changes that have been made, and their almost final looks. Of course when the show is up and running and I have some snazzy professional pictures I will posts those as well as update my online portfolio with the images. So as always, stay tuned for more costume shenanigans. 


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